Ivan Garcia

Ivan Garcia was born in Girona in 1978, he grew up in Palafrugell and now lives in Barcelona. He is a librarian and archivist and he studied film directing and editing at the Centre d'Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya (CECC) in Barcelona. His short documentary film “Ribot” received grants from the Ministry of Culture of Spain and from the Department of Culture of the Catalonian Regional Government . “Ribot” was selected in various international festivals such as Kiev, Bogotá, Dhaka and Docúpolis Barcelona. His first full-length documentary film “Warm Human Blood” won the First Jury Award of the documentary festival Documenta Madrid in 2008, and the film was selected in other international documentary film festivals (Memorimage Reus, Jihlava, Docúpolis Barcelona, Docúpolis Chile, Lublin etc.).
La sangre tibia del hombre (2007)
Ribot (2000)
Sa Birba (2000)
Rythmus I (1998)
- On Hard Art of Strolling / O trudnej sztuce spacerowania48'
ESP 2011, 48’
Five travelogues will be shown, or we are told at the beginning of the film. Travelogues are early travel films from exotic countries and cities, and were popular in the first half of the 20th century: Shanghai before Mao, Paris between the wars, the Soviet Union during industrialisation, Japan before the invasion of Manchuria, Barcelona at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. The film takes us into the past, on a journey where everyday details play a more important role than touristic highlights – a virtual saunter through cinematic reality in black and white. See and be amazed, without a commentary.
- A great disorder under heaven / Un gran desorden bajo el cielo45'
During his excursions into the literature, archives and history of China Ivan Garcia encounters the Red Guard Zhou Xuan, the daughter of a metal worker, who was born in 1946 and later studied mathematics and mechanics,. She speaks to us with the voice of the younger Su Guangyu, leading us through Mao’s cultural revolution. But Zhou Xuan is film, she is a fiction fed by the unspeakable knowledge of the multitude. In our lives there are circumstances, truths and hells of which a single individual cannot tell.
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